What Lies In The Dark?
Julia Hristov '24
It used to be very dark, you know.
The universe, and the world—
Humanity itself.
We thought the Earth was flat,
That sickness is from poverty.
And cough syrups were made from Cannabis and Chloroform,
Alcohol and Morphine Sulph.
By Aiana Karymshakova '27

Milie woke up from her nap, a headache pounding in her head. The house felt like dark emptiness. The only illumination came from a tiny night light on the wall. She dropped her legs over the edge of bed, put her feet on the floor, and walked to the door...
By Jonathan Leoniak '29
By Luna Reyes 24'
I yelled at my third-grade English teacher, Mr. Lecsh. I debated with Ms. Turselino, my sixth-grade English teacher. I sat bored in Mr. Ohringer’s tenth-grade English class. I wrote painstakingly in Ms. Delhagens' ninth-grade English class, even while studying abroad. I engaged in heated discussions with Dr. Gray, my English teacher for the fall semester of junior year.

By Ayah Orynbay '24
Moving Toward Diversity In Film
Are the Oscars still too white? Nine years ago, in April of 2015, no actors of color were nominated in the acting categories. This fact seemed to ignore many Oscar-worthy performances by actors of color, including David Oyelowo in Selma. The director of Selma, Ava DuVernay, a woman of color, was also overlooked. And the film, which told the story of Martin Luther King’s march from Selma to Montgomery...
By Fiona Poth '24
Bringing To Light The AON Curriculum
By Emma Sun '25

Unveiling the Mysteries behind the AON Curriculum:
From Originations to Easter Eggs
People are often surprised to hear that there is a whole team of AON curriculum designers that carefully design the curriculum AON students make use of every day. So what goes on behind the scenes of the AON curriculum? Why do we read the books we read and have the projects we have?
After the fall of Germany and Japan in World War II, the Allied forces, including the United States, competed with the Soviet Union to grab power vacuums across the world. Thus, it is not an overstatement to say that the United States and the Soviet Union shaped post-World War II international politics. With ideological tensions escalating between democratic and communist countries, the rise of the Soviet Union, and China’s communist revolution, the conflict boiled over on the Korean peninsula.

By Seokhyun (Nathan) Baek '24
By Thea Han' 28
The lack of body diversity within modern media has had a detrimental impact on the mental health and self-esteem of individuals in today’s society. Both blockbuster films and social media have created an unattainable ideal body type and established it as the beauty standard. This limited portrayal of diversity sets unrealistic standards that result in a low view of self-worth, thereby increasing anxiety, depression, and eating disorders.
By Caroline Mawhinney '24

Dear Readers,
As the Editor and the Art Editor of The Network, we are excited to share with you our summer issue.
Each issue we create focuses on a theme developed from current events. We want to inform our readers about relevant events, provoke them to think, and move them to act.
As we discussed current events—Donald Trump’s trial which includes his being accused of falsifying business records to hide embarrassing truths about himself, the collapse of Baltimore’s Key Bridge on March 26 after it was struck by a ship that was unseaworthy, and the continuing troubles Boeing Airlines has had since an Alaska Airlines 737-9 Max lost its door plug midflight—we started asking questions.
Why do countries, politicians, companies, or individuals cover up or lie? How do we shed light on the entire story and hear all the opinions or voices in society no matter how quiet? What is our individual role in shedding light on truth? Do we have a responsibility to bear witness to the deceptions and unfairnesses that we see in society? Aren’t all of us obligated to be whistleblowers?